Muhammad taha al junaid quran 2 hours
Muhammad taha al junaid quran 2 hours

Finally, jurisprudence has established that the military jihad is merely one instrument of many available to the Islamic community and state for ensuring that the actual objects and purpose of the shari’a-the five cardinal Allah-derived ‘inalienable’ rights to life, religion, intellect, lineage, and property are actualized-and that it actually realizes the broader and longer-term public interest of the Islamic state or community. Within Islamic jurisprudence there is a highly developed body of authoritative jurisprudential precedent that demands that the military jihad be subject to careful scrutiny based on the degree to which probable harms are likely to outweigh probable benefits, and greater harms potentially outweigh lesser harms. adherence to the strict application of the shari’a of lawful military jihad, including such matters as rules of engagement, initiation and cessation of hostilities, truces, treaties, captives and their treatment, non-combatant treatment, etc.). that prudential calculations are essential in the decision to conduct warfare that may endanger the Islamic community or polity) and legality (i.e. that jihad be motivated exclusively by a desire to elevate the Word of Allah, and by no other motive) probability (i.e. Some of those conditions include that the jihad be sincerely motivated (i.e. Rather, it is an enduring duty that must be discharged, but only under specified conditions. For the vast majority of ‘jihad-realists’ jihad is neither a suicide pact nor an unconditional, relentless permanent war that must be fought at all times in all places. Owing to the enormous consequences for the Islamic community ( umma) and Islamic state ( dawla) of violence and possible extinction in matters of war and peace among peoples and religions, however, the military jihad is governed by a body of jurisprudence and legal precedent, and the original sources- Qur’an, ahadith, and the Prophetic biographies ( Sira), upon which jurisprudential reasoning is based. In opposition to various apologetic approaches, the present author has strenuously argued that it is neither possible nor desirable to deny this central feature of actually existing Islam. Islam in its orthodox jihad-realist Sunni version maintains that the military jihad, both defensive and offensive, is a superlative religious prescription obligatory upon observant Muslims until Islam has prevailed throughout the earth, and until the Day of Judgment. Moreover, there is a great deal of precedent in even an originalist-fundamentalist Islam, including the Prophet’s own words and actions as recorded in biography and traditions literature ( ahadith), that da’wa should be done in a manner that encourages rather than coerces, and also exemplifies the noble virtues of kindness, fairness, generosity, and humility. The vast majority of observant Sunni Muslims deem da’wa and hisbah as the virtually exclusive means available in contemporary times for raising the Word of Allah supreme. Orthodox Sunni Islam rests on the five pillars of creed, prayer, alms, fasting, and pilgrimage, and the means for its spread are legitimately three: preaching ( da’wa), the forbidding of evil acts and commanding of good acts ( hisbah), and fighting ( jihad) in the path of Allah until the entire world proclaims that there is no God but God, and that Muhammad is his Prophet. Let us now proceed to decode ISO’s latest missive to the world.ĭefining Islam: Adnani’s Religion of Merciless Ultra-Jihadist Unconditional Warfare Other highly revealing and noteworthy sub-arguments are also embedded in Adnani’s latest messaging. Moreover, it is highly suggestive of an even more marginal and now more desperate organization aware of and actually announcing and preparing for its imminent second exile, the first occurred upon its near destruction in 2008-2009, as a hunted underground organization inhabiting the desolate Arab badlands.


Ī careful examination of this speech furnishes powerful evidence that the ISO as an organization suffers from several self-inflicted fatal errors arising from its nature as an ultra-takfiri deviant terrorist criminal entity. Last heard from publically some seven months ago on October 13, 2015, commentators have noted in this speech ISO’s seeming admission of recent defeats no direct claim of responsibility for the crash of an Egyptian Air Flight 804 some three days earlier and also its focus on directing its European and American inspire ‘lone wolves’ to engage in home-based terror, murder, and mayhem, by any means. On a 31-minute audio file by Islamic State Organization (ISO) chief spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani (real name: Taha Sobhi Falaha) was uploaded by the ISO’s Al Furqan Media outlet onto the internet. Abu Muhammad al-Adnani’s Speech: More Evidence for Extreme Marginalization, Implosion, and the Islamic State Organization’s Certain Future as a Hunted Underground Ultra-Takfiri Terrorist Criminal Entity.

Muhammad taha al junaid quran 2 hours